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  • tusooa's avatar
    Release v0.5.0 · 17ba2aec
    tusooa authored
    Summary | 概述:
    kazv v0.5.0 relies on libkazv v0.7.0, which has an important security fix for encrypted attachments. It also adds a lot of features like hard logout, viewing event edit history, an emoji picker in the reaction dialog, setting your own display name in a room (/myroomnick, but using just a text box instead of slash commands), and a lot of style fixes for Qt6/KF6. Video playing is also enhanced. Note that this version only supports Qt6/KF6.
    Type | 类型: skip
    Test Plan | 测试计划: N/A
    Approved-by: default avatarnannanko Suki <>
    GitLab Merge Request: !112
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